Volume.31 No.5 October 2016
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.381-399
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Production and Supply of Milk in Joseon during Japanese Colonial Period (1910~1945)
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.400-410
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.411-429
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Perception on School Administrator’s Supports and Job Satisfaction by Nutrition Teachers (Dietitian)
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.430-441
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.442-456
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Effect of Addition of Blackcurrant Powder on Quality and Antioxidant Activity of Yanggaeng
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.457-464
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Analysis of Perception and Satisfaction of Vinegar-Based Sauce: Focus on IPA Skills
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.465-472
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Quality Characteristics of Jeungpyun Added with Goji berry Powder for the Elderly
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.473-480
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Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Extracts from Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb.
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.481-488
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.489-497
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Quality Characteristics of Muffin with Added Grape Powder
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.498-505
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Sensory Characteristics of Chilled Buckwheat Noodle Soup (mulnaengmyun)
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.5 pp.506-514
Open abstract