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ISSN : 1225-7060(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7148(Online)
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture Vol.40 No.1 pp.1-12

A Comparative Study on Food-Related Behavioral Characteristics of Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians: Using the 2023 Consumer Behavior Survey for Food

Seung Jae Lee1, Kyung Won Lee2,*
1Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yongin University
2Department of Home Economics Education, Korea National University of Education, Korea


This study compared the dietary perceptions, food labeling behaviors, and purchasing patterns of vegetarians and nonvegetarians. The data from 5,811 adults aged ≥19 years who participated in the 2023 Consumer Behavior Survey for Food were analyzed. The participants were divided into vegetarians and non-vegetarians according to their dietary practices. Vegetarians were further divided into strict, semi, and occasional vegetarians. Non-vegetarians regularly consumed plantand animal-based foods without dietary restrictions. Vegetarians comprised 15.4% of the participants, and health (50.4%) was the primary motivation for adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. Compared to non-vegetarians, vegetarians prioritized their rights and responsibilities as citizens and identified a vegetable-centered diet as the most crucial factor for health. Vegetarians showed greater interest and trust in food labeling than non-vegetarians. Vegetarians selected a wider variety of food and had different purchasing motivations when purchasing eco-friendly foods than non-vegetarians. Vegetarians exhibited higher purchase frequencies across all categories than non-vegetarians and had different reasons for purchasing convenience foods. These findings highlight the diversity of vegetarian dietary motivations and behaviors, emphasizing the need for tailored dietary policies and education.



