Volume.33 No.2 April 2018
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.95-103
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Antioxidant Activity and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Salix Koreensis Andersson Branches Extracts
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.104-111
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Study of the Dietary Behaviors and Adaptation for Korean Foods among International Students in Busan
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.112-124
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Change in the Quality Characteristics of Red Pepper Powder According to the Storage Method
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.125-132
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.133-141
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Study on Quality and Sensory Characteristics of Seolgi Ttueok Added with Geuk
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.142-148
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Imported Food Consumption in Malaysia: A Lifestyle Segmentation Study
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.149-159
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The Relationship between the Characteristics of Retort Food and Consumer Perceptions
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.160-168
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Quality Characteristics of Yanggaeng Made with Different Concentration of Mealworm Powder
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.169-175
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Effect of Dietary Education of Health, Environment, and Consideration among Undergraduate Students
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.176-185
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.186-198
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.33 No.2 pp.199-205
Open abstract