Volume.34 No.1 February 2019
Appearance and Diffusion of Aguijjim (아귀찜)
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.1-13
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.14-22
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Life Cycle-based Dietary Guidelines for Koreans
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.23-33
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Development and Evaluation of Nutritional Education Program on Nutrition Labeling for Adults
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.34-43
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Survey on the Lifestyle Factors, Food Habits and Dietary Nutrient Intake of College Students
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.44-52
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Sensory and Antioxidative Characteristics of AF-343 Containing Salt-reduced Dried Bulgogi Bibimbap
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.53-60
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Quality Characteristics of Dumpling Shell made with Mulberry Leaf (Morus alba Linne) Powder
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.61-67
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Quality Changes of Smoked Duck Meat Amended with Curcuma longa L. during Storage
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.68-74
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.75-83
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Effects of Rutin on Anti-inflammatory in Adipocyte 3T3-L1 and Colon Cancer Cell SW-480
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.1 pp.84-92
Open abstract