Analysis of the Nutritional Composition and Changes in Korean Landrace Crop based on Cooking Methods
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.39 No.6 pp.349-358
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Physicochemical Properties of Soybean Curd Residue Powder by Different Soybean and Drying Methods
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.38 No.5 pp.356-364
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Quality Characteristics of Madeleines Made with the Addition of Roasted Black Soybean Flour
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.37 No.6 pp.529-539
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Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-obesity and Estrogen-like Activities of Soybean Pod Extracts
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.36 No.6 pp.649-660
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A Literature Study on the Jang (Fermented Soybean Sauce) in the First Half of the Joseon Dynasty
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.35 No.1 pp.1-13
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.34 No.3 pp.241-254
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Changes in the Nutritional Compositions of Soybean Sprouts Cultivated with Bamboo Ash
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.31 No.3 pp.213-219
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Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture :: Vol.29 No.6 pp.599-604
Open abstract