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ISSN : 1225-7060(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7148(Online)
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture Vol.40 No.1 pp.58-69

Household Food Waste Practices and Factors Affecting Food Waste Reduction Intentions of Food Purchasers: Data from the 2022 Consumer Behavior Survey for Food

Junghwa Choi1, Kyung-Eun Lee2,*
1Department of Food & Nutrition, Soongeui Women’s University, Korea
2Department of Food & Nutrition, Seoul Women’s University, Korea


The objectives of the study were to examine food waste generation and reduction efforts at home, and to identify factors affecting the intention to reduce food waste. A total of 3,321 food buyer responses were used from the 2022 Consumer Behavior Survey for Food of the Korea Rural Economic Institute. Statistical methods for a complex sample were applied by using a SPSS program (ver. 26.0). The average daily food waste generation per household significantly differed by the main food purchaser’s age and household size. Plate waste and food waste from preparation were the main types of food waste. A multiple regression analysis revealed that intention to reduce food waste was influenced by the main types of food waste, the average daily amount of food waste, the perceived amount of food waste, and the perceived importance of food waste reduction after adjusting for the age of the main food purchaser and household size. Since the amount of food waste was affected by a series of food behaviors as well as consumer’s intention to reduce waste, empirical research on the types and amounts of food waste generated in Korean households and qualitative research on behaviors and attitude affecting food waste are needed.



