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ISSN : 1225-7060(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7148(Online)
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture Vol.40 No.1 pp.46-57

Analysis of the Intake Status of Functional Food and Influencing Factors among Adults Using 2023 Consumer Behavior Survey for Food

Meera Kim*
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Kyungpook National University


This study examined the intake status and the factors affecting intake of functional foods using the data from Consumer Behavior Survey for Food by the Korea Rural Economic Institute. Among the total respondents, 80.4% took functional foods, and the number of respondents who took two types of functional foods was the highest. The main reason for taking functional foods was to prevent disease, and the main places of purchase of functional foods were off-line large supermarkets, on-line shopping malls, and pharmacies. Compared to a year ago, the percentage of increase in functional food purchases this year was higher than the percentage of decrease. The most common reasons for not taking functional foods were ‘not feeling the need’ and ‘not trusting the quality’. As a result of conducting a complex samples logistic regression analysis to identify the factors affecting the intake of functional foods, gender, age, marital status, illness state, alcohol drinking, and convenience-seeking type among dietary lifestyles were significant.



