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ISSN : 1225-7060(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7148(Online)
Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture Vol.28 No.6 pp.576-584

서울지역 성인여성의 채식주의 실태 및 관련 식행동

주윤지, 강주연, 정자용*
경희대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과

Characteristics of Vegetarianism and Its Association with Eating Behavior in Women Living in Seoul

Jayong Chung*, Yunji Ju, Juyeon Kang
Department of Food & Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, Kyung Hee University


Increasing numbers of Korean adults, especially women, are adopting vegetarian diets for various reasons. In this study,the characteristics of vegetarianism among females residing in Seoul were examined. In addition, the dietary habits andeating behaviors between vegetarians and non-vegetarians were investigated. A total of 148 females (73 vegetarians, 75non-vegetarians) were recruited and questionnaires regarding their demographic characteristics and eating habits werecompleted. The eating behavior and daily intake of food groups was assessed using the three factor eating questionnaire-R18 (TFEQ-R18) and food frequency questionnaire, respectively. The ages, BMI, education, and religious affiliation werenot significantly different between the two groups. More than 30% of vegetarians had followed a vegetarian diet for longerthan 24 months. The most common motivations for vegetarianism in study participants were ‘health or weight control’(46.6%) followed by ‘environmental concerns or animal welfare’ (24.7%). Vegetarians had a lower intake of cereals, Kimchi,and soda, but a higher intake of potatoes and sweet potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, seaweed, and fruits compared tonon-vegetarians. Significant differences in eating behavior scores were also found between the two groups; in particular,vegetarians reported higher levels of restrained eating and emotional eating than non-vegetarians. Scores of uncontrolledeating, however, were not significantly different between the two groups. In conclusion, these results suggest that whilevegetarianism is associated with healthy dietary habits, it is associated with restrained eating behaviors which may increasethe risk of eating disorders in women.
